
H.M. Sultan Muedzul Lail Tan Kiram of Sulu with the Hon. Vice Governor Abdusakur M. Tan after signing the Unity Covenant of the Royal Family on the 9th of April 2016
H.M. Ampun Sultan Muedzul Lail Tan Kiram of Sulu with the Malaysian Dignitary & Abdusakur M. Tan ( Vice-Governor of Sulu), 28th August 2015 in Sulu
H.M. Ampun Sultan Muedzul Lail Tan Kiram of Sulu with the Honourable Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. Senator of the Philippines (and running for Vice-President of the Philippines) - son of the late Ferdinand Marcos Sr. 10th President of the Philippines. 29th May 2015 in Manila
H.M. Sultan Muedzul Lail Tan Kiram of Sulu with the Malaysian Deputy Ambassador H.E Adnan Abbas, and sultanate executive Secretary Hji Awad Hamid at the Century Park Hotel Manila 2nd April 2014
H.M. Sultan Muedzul Lail Tan Kiram of Sulu at the Change of Command Ceremony on the 27th Feb 2014
H.M. Sultan Muedzul Lail Tan Kiram of Sulu & HM Pangian Mellany S. Kiram of Sulu on the 14th Dec 2012
H.M. Sultan Muedzul Lail Tan Kiram of Sulu with H.R.H. Tengku Azman Abdullah Shah of Pahang ( Nephew of H.R.H. Sultan of Pahang in Malaysia) at Hilton Hotel Kuala Lumpur Malaysia June 2011

Coronation Programme in 1974